Carnival blog

Are you planning to move to Curaçao during the first quarter of the year? We say YES, this is the best time to fall in love with the island, why… because it’s the Carnival season!

Carnival is one of the most anticipated events on the island. During almost 5 weeks, the whole island and community converts into one big colorful party through different group custom preparations, street parades and public parties.

The opening of the Carnival season starts the first week of January. Thereafter, there is the beginning of the Festival di Tumba competition (Tumba Festival) which takes place during the last week of January. The Tumba is the main music of the Carnival season. During this four-day musical competition a Tumba King or Queen gets chosen, and the winner’s Tumba song will be played during all upcoming parties and parades throughout the Carnival season,

After the Tumba Festival, there are many different parties around the island. These traditional parties are very important to the Carnival groups as they organize these to sell t-shirts to raise money for their participation and their costumes in the most important parade of the year; the Gran Marcha (The Grand Parade).

The dates to keep in mind this year for Carnival season are;

  • 27th of January 2020: Festival di Tumba (preliminaries)
  • 16th to 25th of February 2020: Carnival parades

Will you be joining us for this year’s Carnival season?

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